Weekly Headline Roundup: 20-10-2023by Chris Warburton ¦ ROStrategy.com Headline Update 20-10-2023 : -> Customer ratings among Ofgem plans for better service -> Dormant Assets Scheme: statement of intent overview -> What do the public really think about the collections process? -> Average household energy debt rises to £216 -> 4 Forces That Are Fundamentally Changing How We Work -> Flexible Work Is Having a Mixed Impact on Employee Well-Being and Productivity -> Holiday spending statistics: 2023 Holiday Outlook: PwC -> China’s banks may be loaded up with hidden bad loans -> Rolls-Royce takes axe to global workforce in latest efficiency drive | Business News -> LinkedIn: Microsoft says 668 more jobs to go -> UK’s Nationwide Reportedly Overtakes Major Banks To Have The Largest Branch Network -> Fly Now Pay Later, which has raised nearly $180M, stops lending and onboarding new customers -> Putting your mental health first when you’re dealing with debt – World Mental Health Day 2023 -> Huge £42m Debt written off by City Council RO-AR insider newsletter Receive notifications of new RO-AR content notifications: Also subscribe here - unsubscribe anytime Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 1,false,1,First Name,2 1,false,1,Last Name,2 See also Weekly Headline Roundup: 01-09-2023