[INSIGHTS]: ISO 22458:2022 Consumer vulnerability — Requirements and guidelines for the design and delivery of inclusive service

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ISO 22458:2022 is a standard that outlines requirements and guidelines for organizations to design and deliver services that are inclusive and considerate of consumer vulnerability. The document aims to enhance positive outcomes for consumers in vulnerable situations and minimize the risk of harm. It is applicable to a variety of service providers, including private and public organizations, charities, government agencies, and local authorities, across sectors such as healthcare, retail, financial services, and digital services.

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Key Points

  • ISO 22458:2022 focuses on consumer vulnerability and inclusive service design and delivery.
  • The standard is applicable to any organization providing services or service-related products to consumers.
  • It covers organizational culture and strategy, inclusive design, and identification and response to consumer vulnerability.
  • The standard is relevant to various service sectors including healthcare, leisure, retail, energy, communication, and digital services.
  • Both private and public organizations, charities, government agencies, and local authorities can be service providers.
  • The document provides guidelines for designing fair, flexible, and inclusive services.
  • It aims to increase positive outcomes for consumers in vulnerable situations.
  • The standard seeks to minimize the risk of consumer harm.
  • It includes considerations for limiting access to protect consumers and prevent harm.
  • The standard was published in April 2022 and is in its first edition.
  • It contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal of Reduced Inequalities.

Key Take Aways

  • Organizations should prioritize designing and delivering inclusive and fair services.
  • Consumer vulnerability is a critical consideration in service provision.
  • The standard provides a comprehensive guide for addressing consumer vulnerability across various sectors.
  • Both private and public entities can benefit from adhering to the guidelines outlined in ISO 22458:2022.
  • The document emphasizes the importance of minimizing the risk of harm to consumers.
  • Inclusive design and organizational culture and strategy are pivotal in achieving positive outcomes for vulnerable consumers.
  • Limiting access in certain cases can be fair and reasonable to protect consumers.
  • The standard is a valuable resource for organizations aiming to enhance consumer protection and inclusivity.
  • It aligns with global efforts to reduce inequalities and promote sustainable development.
  • Organizations across different sectors and of any size can implement the guidelines.
  • The first edition of the standard provides a foundational framework for inclusive service delivery.
  • Adherence to the standard can contribute to building trust and positive relationships with consumers.
See also  [INSIGHTS]: Vulnerability Inclusion Handbook

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