Handling increased arrears: ideas and support for Credit Unions and Community banks

Date:    7th February 2023

Time:   11:00 – 12:30am


After all the celebration (and spending) over the holiday season, consumers often find the start of the year difficult, and difficult to pay bills. For companies, this can result in increased levels of arrears.

In this event, we discussed some of the things that can be done to make this easier for customers/credit union members to provide support and hear about what others are doing across the industry.


Chris WarburtonCWEvent ChairDirector, ROStrategy
Keith ChurchKCEvent SpeakerHead of Economic Modelling, 4-Most
Dylan JonesDJEvent SpeakerCEO, IEHub
Manu PeleteiroMPEvent SpeakerCo-Founder, InBest
Kevin StillKSCo-Chair, Q&APrincipal, KSC, DEMSA & VRS


Thank you to our event sponsors who have helped make this event possible

also supporting

Agenda & Documentation

11:0011:1010minCWIntroductory comments
Survey Results and Agenda
11:1011:3020minKCEconomic Outlook
11:3011:5020minDJAffordability Trends
11:5012:1020minMPIncome and Benefits
12:1012:2010minCWVulnerability and Support Challenges
Video message from Stop Loan Sharks
12:2012:3010minAllQ&A and open discussion

Additional Material

Meeting recording

DEMSA Bulletin: Insolvency Stats and BoE data on Credit Unions

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See also  EVENT SUMMARY ¦ Credit Connect: Lending Technology Think Tank 4.1